What is the significance of an Aarti


Aarti is a ritual followed in Hinduism; it is practiced during the puja in North India and towards the end in South India. Aarti is derived from the word ‘Aaratrika’ that means an element, which removes darkness. Aarti is descended from the ancient Vedic practice of conducting a homa (homam or haven) or fire rituals. During all Hindu ceremonies, It implies the circulating of an ‘Aarti lamp’ or ‘Aarti plate’ around a deity or a person, usually go together with reciting the slokas. In doing so, the plate or lamp acquires the power of the deity, and then the “Aarti plate” is circulated to the devotees, at the end of the aarti, devotees place their hands over the flame and then touch their eyes and the top of the head. It means – let the radiance of Lord light up our vision; may our vision be godly and our thoughts be gracious and beautiful. Hence, this is the significance of an Aarti. While performing an “Aarti” one can recite,

Na tatra suryo bhaati na chandra taarakam

Nemaa vidyuto bhaanti kutoyamagnib

Tameva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam

Tasya bhasa sarvam idam vibhaati

 Translation; He is there where the sun does not shine, Nor the moon, stars and lightning. Then what to talk of this small flame (in my hand), everything (in the universe) shines only after the Lord, and His light alone illumines us all.

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