Did you Know? A festival where sister Prays for her Brother

Nag panchami strengthens bonds between brothers and sisters.

South Indians consider this day as an auspicious occasion that strengthens sibling bonds. In many households, it is a tradition where sisters rub milk or ghee on the back, spine and navel of their brothers on the Nag Panchami day. This ritual is practiced based on an ancient folklore associated with a brother-sister duo.

ketaki flower-nagapushpam

Once a little sister had asked her brother to get some Ketaki (screwpine) flower for performing Naga Puja. The brother sets out to get those flowers as requested but unfortunately dies when bitten by a snake. The devoted sister then prays Nagaraja to take away the poison and bring her brother back to life. The pleased Nagaraja brings back the boy to life. The above event forms basis of the ritual where sisters rub the paste on their brothers back to protect them from any impending dangers.. In few places, brothers also undertake to visits their married sister in her husband’s house where the sister performs the mentioned ritual, seeking protection for her brother’s safety.

-Radhika T V


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