
  • Monday 18th Sep 2017
Magha Shraddha

Magha Shraddha is an important ritual performed by Hindu devotees in honour of their forefathers and deceased family members. It is performed during the ‘Pitru Paksha’ (the fortnight dedicated to ancestors) when the ‘Magha’ Nakshatra exists during the Aparahna Kala. Magha Shraddha is observed on the ‘Amavasya’ (no moon day) of the Hindu Magha month. It is stated that if this Magha Nakshatra prevails, even partly, during the Aparahna Kala on two continuous days, then the day on which it exists for greater duration is considered. Also when Magha Nakshatra prevails during the Aparahna Kaal on the ‘Trayodashi’ (13th day) tithi, it is popularly referred as ‘Magha Trayodashi Shraddha’. The month of Magha is the 11th month in the traditional Hindu calendar that is considered propitious for performing Pitru Tarpan, Snan, Daan and Yagna. These activities performed during this time are considered very meritorious and sacred. Magha Shraddha is therefore observer with full devotion and dedication by Hindu devotees all across India.

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