
  • Monday 7th Aug 2017
Chandra Grahan

Chandra Grahan is an astronomical event that eventuates when our planet Earth comes in between sun and the Moon or its shadow falls on the Moon. Many precautions and remedies should be followed by the people to minimize the malefic effects of Chandra Grahan on their lives. Usually during a Chandra Grahan, a fast (Upvaas) is observed by certain communities in Hindu religion. The fast begins about 9 hours before the beginning of Chandra Grahan. People also take a bath in cold water and chant mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu or Shiva like the Ashtakshara Mantra or Mrityunjaya Mantra. This is done whenever Surya and Chandra are under the influence of Rahu. Pregnant women chant the Santana Gopala Mantra.

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