
  • Friday 6th Jan 2017
Shakambhari Utsavarambha

Shakambari Navratri starts on Paush Shukla Ashtami and closes on Paush Purnima. Paush Shukla Ashtami is known as Banada Ashtami or Banadashtami. Most Navratri starts on Shukla Pratipada with the exception of Shakambari Navratri which starts on Ashtami and closures on Purnima. Thus Shakambari Navratri ranges for an aggregate of eight days. However in a few years due to skipped Tithi and jumped Tithi Shakambari Navratri may traverse for seven and nine days individually. Shakambari Navratri comes full circle on Paush Purnima which is otherwise called Shakambari Purnima. Shakambari Navratri is famous in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and a few sections of Tamil Nadu.

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