
  • Sunday 30th Oct 2016
Kamala Jayant

Kamala Mahavidya Jayanti is accepted to be the day when Goddess Kamla one of the 10 Mahavidyas incarnated on earth. Kamala Mahavidya Jayanti 2016 date is October 30. It is seen on Diwali day as Kamala Mahavidya is accepted to be the friend of Srihari Vishnu. She is pacified for riches in Tantric worship.

The type of Goddess Kamla is like Goddess Lakshmi. She is basically revered for accomplishing flourishing – material riches. A few people revere her with the sole point of getting to be rich. It must be noticed that the ceremonies devoted to Kamala Mahavidya Jayanti are seen on the Diwali day - when Lakshmi Puja is held in Hindu homes.

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