
  • Thursday 5th Oct 2017
Ashwin Purnima / Sharad Purnima

Sharad Purnima is an important festival for Hindus that falls on the ‘purnima’ (full moon day) in the month of ‘Ashwin’ in the traditional Hindu calendar. This observance falls somewhere in the months of September-October in the English calendar. According to the Hindu mythological stories, this day holds special significance for Hare Krishna followers as it is believed that on this auspicious day Sri Krishna performed the ‘Raas Lila’ in Vridavan with Radha and other Gopis. For this reason, Sharad Purnima is also referred as ‘Raas Purnima’. Sharad Purnima is also celebrated as ‘Navanna Purnima’, 'Ashwin Purnima', ‘Kaumudi Puja’, ‘Kumar Purnima’ or ‘Kojaagari Purnima’.

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